April 27 Story Ideas-Diana

tory Ideas for 4-27 Show
Story idea 1:
Thursday, april 21 is Ladies Night at 6:30 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. People can sign up to create “chuang hua”, a window flower, with Chinese Paper cutting. It’s $10 per person. This story would be good for the d-block or a kicker because it’s not that important, but you could get some cool footage of the flowers in the making, with lots of opportunities for wide, medium and tight shots. It involves KState students and manhattan residents because anyone can sign up to make these.

Story idea 2:
International students
I think it could be cool to do an in-depth story on what it’s like to be an international student at K-State. There are quite a few on campus, and we could look at how they acclimate to living here, and what K-State does to help them and how they decided to come to K-State. This would mainly affect K-State students and I think students would be interested in learning more about this topic and what’s available to  international students. There is a lot of opportunity for footage… The international building, the international buddies system, or following around an international student for a day. We could find someone to tell us their story.

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